
The project "Strengthening Involvement" aims at promoting the exchange of information and good practice aimed at the application of the EU directive 2002/14 and the enhancement of the involvement of representatives of employees in information and consultation processes. The project focuses on the exchange of experience among OBES and FAI CISl on one hand and trade unions from small peripheral countries of Southern Europe, aiming at promoting European legislation and European cooperation of smaller EU countries (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Malta).

In more details, the general aims of the project "Strengthening Involvement" are:

  • to promote the exchange of information and good practice aimed at the application of the EU directive 2002/14
  • to enhance the involvement of representatives of employees in information and consultation processes.
  • to promote transnational cooperation involving representatives of new Member States
  • to promote cooperation between employees and employers representatives

The specific objectives of the project are:

  1. To study the application of EC/2002/14 in the involved countries (Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Malta), identify problems and good practices and derive suggestions and recommendations for the more effective use of information and consultation rights.
  2. To develop case studies and an online toolkit addressed to representatives of employees.
  3. to organize a series of transnational and bilateral workshops, between employees' and employers representatives, with the aim to exchange information and good practices regarding information and consultation legislation and practices in Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Malta.
  4. to organise a final transnational conference in Greece and bring visibility to the EU and national legislation and its application in Greek social dialogue in times of crisis.